3 steps to be prepared for interviewing

1. Know MIT’s Recruiting Policies and Expectations. 

2. Schedule a Mock Interview.

  • Interviewing takes practice. Start by reading our advice for a successful interview and tips for virtual interviewing.
  • Practice, practice, practice. A mock interview with a career advisor can be helpful — especially if you’ve never interviewed before. Mock interviews are 50 minute one-on-one appointments. We’ll ask you common interview questions and offer constructive feedback about your responses.

3. Prepare to Negotiate. 

  • Even before receiving a job offer, you may need to negotiate. Maybe you want to reschedule an interview, or you need more time to make a decision.
  • Once you have an offer you hope to accept, there may be pieces of it you’d like to negotiate, such as start date, salary, relocation reimbursements, signing bonus, or even elements of a non-disclosure agreement.
  • Navigating multiple opportunities or offers requires strategy and honesty. It’s best to be candid with employers about your situation and your needs, and you should never accept a job unless you intend to take it.
  • Learn how to negotiate with help from us.
  • See our events calendar for a negotiating workshop and schedule an appointment to talk your situation over with a career advisor.