The following data resources are compiled by Career Advising and Professional Development, the MIT Registrar’s Office, and other groups to help students, recent alumni and postdocs. Students, recent alumni and postdocs should use the data to explore potential career paths, options for graduate school, prepare for interviewing, and negotiating job offers. Employers are encouraged to review the data to learn about MIT students interests post-graduation and to develop a recruiting strategy for the most success in hiring MIT talent.

Graduating Student Survey

Organized and administered by Career Advising & Professional Development and MIT’s Institutional Research. The MIT Graduate Student Survey (GSS) asks graduating Bachelor’s and Master’s students to share their post-graduation plans and related career issues data. The data includes information on average salaries of graduates, geographical distribution, companies who hire students, and the factors that influence students to accept job offers, among other things. The information contained in the interactive MIT Graduating Student Survey dashboard will increase your understanding of MIT graduates and help you hire them.

Earned Doctorate Survey

Organized and administered by Career Advising & Professional Development and MIT’s Institutional Research. Learn about MIT PhD destinations upon graduation, top industries for PhDs, salary information and much more. Explore IR’s interactive dashboard to get insights and results.

Enrollment and Degree Statistics

Organized by MIT’s Registrar’s Office. This resource provides information on international, gender, and geographic breakdown of students as well as detailed information from the departments and majors across campus.

Summer Experience Survey

Organized and administered by Career Advising & Professional Development  and MIT’s Institutional Research. The Summer Experience Survey is helpful for students as they consider various options during the summer months and for employers who wish to hire MIT students for research experiences, internships and summer jobs.