Every LGO graduate student conducts a six-month operations management internship project. The projects focus on unique research in product development, manufacturing, and high tech problems across many different industries. LGO internships provide an industrial “laboratory” for research on operations management and engineering. Students use cutting-edge advancements to tackle tangible solutions that benefit the host company. Internship research forms the basis for the master’s thesis, which is a dual-degree academic paper.
Contact Ted Equi, LGO Fellows Program Director of Academics, Research, and Careers, to participate in the LGO recruiting program. All LGO partner companies are invited to visit the MIT campus to interview LGO students in the second-year class. All non-sponsored students are eligible to interview with all participating companies. In addition, second-year LGO students are eligible to participate in Sloan’s MBA recruiting through Sloan’s Career Development office.
- Website
- lgo.mit.edu/academics/internships
- lgo@mit.edu