Interested in pursuing a future in Data Science? Find resources, events, opportunities, and advice to confirm your interest and kickstart your career.

Explore a career path in Data Science

Data science is one of the fastest growing and most exciting fields out there today, transforming industries by turning raw data into actionable insights. It is interdisciplinary in nature, leveraging statistical modeling, machine learning, and data visualization techniques to extract value from data. Data scientists extract, clean, analyze, and visualize data, culminating in actionable insights that drive decision-making. 


Data science is a broad field with many different subdisciplines. Read below to learn about some of the most popular specializations. 

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Data Analytics 

Data analytics denotes the latter stages of the data science lifecycle, during which information is analyzed and insights are drawn out using statistical tools and software. Typical outcomes include predictive models, explanations of past events, or data visualizations that communicate insights clearly to stakeholders using statistical and computational tools. 

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Data Mining

Data mining is the process of gaining information from large datasets through the use of machine learning, statistical analysis tools, and databases. Data miners are skilled at sifting through data to identify patterns and correlations that would not otherwise be readily apparent. Data miners play a crucial role in uncovering hidden insights that empower organizations to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge. 

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Database Management

Database management involves the development, maintenance, and administration of databases, which are structured systems used to store and organize data. Database managers work to ensure the stability, security, performance, and accessibility of their systems, while continually adapting them to meet the evolving data needs of their organization. Their role is crucial in ensuring that data remains available, secure, and optimized for analysis and business operations. 

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Machine Learning

Machine learning fits within the data science umbrella as a tool that data scientists use to effectively work with data. Machine learning algorithms automate tasks like prediction, classification, and anomaly detection, allowing data scientists to analyze massive datasets at scale with greater efficiency and accuracy. This field is evolving with advancements in deep learning, allowing for greater capabilities from those tools.  

Summer 2025 Social Impact Internships Now Open!

The PKG Center Social Impact Internships are funded opportunities for MIT undergraduate students to explore your career options, build your skills and engage in work that yields significant community impact. Strengthen your professional network and your resume, while you strengthen …

By Tianna Ransom
Tianna Ransom Assistant Director, Career Exploration
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Mastering data science project management

Want to impress recruiters and land your next data science role? Mastering how to run a data science project can set you apart. Check out the key takeaways below and read the full article from Dzidas Martinaitis via the link …

By Aidan Wright
Aidan Wright Career Advisor
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Five Key Trends in AI and Data Science for 2024

These developing issues should be on every leader’s radar screen, data executives say. Artificial intelligence and data science became front-page news in 2023. The rise of generative AI, of course, drove this dramatic surge in visibility. So, what might happen …

By Mitchell Moise
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MIT Podcasts: AI in hiring trends

The dramatic advancements in AI over the past few years are omnipresent in the job search, and this collection of podcasts from MIT’s In Machines We Trust can shed light on ways AI might affect your experience in the job …

By Ariel Ackermann
Ariel Ackermann
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How to prevent ChatGPT from destroying creative jobs

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology advances, so do the capabilities of automation for what we consider creative work. Introduced in November 2022, ChatGPT is all the buzz in the AI/ML space and beyond because it is designed …

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External Source
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Featured Resources


Handshake 101: What it is & how to use it*

CAPD is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive environment for everyone we serve. If you need any disability-related accommodations to …

Ace the data science technical interview

So, you have an upcoming technical interview for a data science position, and you’re wondering how to best prepare?  Learn …

In addition to Handshake, you can use the websites below to find jobs and internships related to data science. CAPD …

ELEVEL: free courses and interactive live sessions

Based in Germany, ELEVEL Academy offers a variety of free courses and certifications in four skill categories, including Information Technology. …

Since the magazine was founded in 1956 New Scientist has also been helping to put brilliant scientists to work with …