Summer Experience Survey Report
This bi-annual survey is administered by Career Advising & Professional Development. The survey asks returning sophomores, juniors and seniors about their summer experiences, including internships, research, service, travel with employer, as well as salary information.
Summer Experience Survey Results:
The purpose of the Summer Experience Survey is to promote an understanding of the summer plans of current MIT undergraduate students. This information is helpful for students as they consider various options during the summer months and for employers who wish to hire MIT students for research experiences, internships, and summer jobs.
The Summer Experience Survey is a completely voluntary web-based survey. The survey is emailed as a link multiple times throughout late summer and early fall in an effort to capture as much of the undergraduate student population’s experiences as possible.
All data are self-reported and presented anonymously in aggregate form. Questions with fewer than 5 respondents are not displayed to protect the privacy of respondents. Due to the variety and various levels of MIT degrees granted, the majority of statistics presented are by classification instead of major. The most recent reports focus on salary data.