Career Services & Professional Development Workshop Requests

Career Advising & Professional Development’s career services staff can facilitate on-campus or virtual workshops for groups of 15 or more in collaboration with MIT academic departments, programs, and/or student groups.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, tailored workshops are available September 23rd through December 6th; January 6th through May 9th; June 2nd through August 29th. Check out the CAPD events calendar for career events events happening throughout the year.  

To request a workshop, please review the following information and complete the survey. 

  • Submit requests for general workshops (topics listed below) at least 15 business days (3 weeks) before your first date preference.
  • Submit requests for tailored workshop topics must be made at least 20 business days (1 month) before your first date preference. If you would like a tailored workshop, select “Other Topic” and include details in the “Workshop description and goal” question.
  • If an outside speaker is requested, additional time may be required.
  • A minimum of 15 participants must register and attend; workshops with fewer than 15 registrants may be cancelled.
  • Typically, our workshops are 30-60 minutes. Shorter presentations, such as an overview of CAPD services for orientations are also available.
  • Workshops take place on campus or virtually during the following hours:
    • Monday – Thursday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Evening workshops are more likely to be available in a virtual format and must end by 9 PM).
    • Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    • Saturday and Sunday are generally not available options, but exceptions may be possible pending staff availability, advance notice, and a guarantee of 50 participants.
  • All event costs must be covered by your department or organization.

Note: We are not always able to accommodate all requests and may be dependent upon staff availability, resources, and other engagements. If we are unable to collaborate on your request, we will try to recommend alternative resources or opportunities to support your group. 

Career Services & Professional Development Workshop Request Form