Departmental recruiting contacts

MIT has numerous departmental internship programs and departments that offer various recruiting activities and resources. The following is a list of contacts to help you in supplementing your recruiting strategy at MIT. Please note that some academic departments have recruiting or internship programs that may only be available to their students.


Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Internship Program
(primarily undergraduate students) Contact: Marie Stuppard, Student Services

Chemical Engineering Department
(undergraduate and graduate students) If you are seeking graduate candidates in chemical engineering, the department will assist you with recruiting by scheduling a visit date, advertising your arrival, providing you with an interview room, and supporting you as much as possible. If you are interested, please contact the graduate student office to arrange a recruiting visit.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE)
(undergraduate and graduate students) Contact: Kiley Clapper (Academic Programs Office)

Department of Urban Studies & Planning Career Development Program
Contact: Mary Jane Daly, Professional Development Director

Technology and Policy Program (TPP)
(graduate students) Contact: Barbara DeLaBarre