AccessLex Institute is a nonprofit organization committed to helping talented, purpose-driven students find their path from aspiring lawyer to fulfilled professional. They have an abundance of events and resources. Below is a sample of their resources and you can learn more on their website
Scholarship Databank
“Search over 800 carefully curated and vetted scholarship opportunities and writing competitions.”
Monthly webinars include:
- An Introduction to Personal Finance for First-Generation Students
- Applying to Law School
- Paying for Law School
- Building Your Law School Budget
- Choosing a Law School
Diversity Pathway Program Directory
“An online database designed to help prospective law students identify pathway programs serving college students and/or college graduates from historically underrepresented groups with information and resources premised on aiding their successful matriculation into law school and the legal profession.”
XploreJD by AccessLex
“An online search tool offering aspiring law students a data-based approach to finding law schools that best meet their criteria.”