Host an employer site visit

CAPD arranges a number of local employer site visits which take place over the Independent Activities Period (IAP in January). Open to students from all class years and courses, employer site visits are designed to help students explore various careers and work environments, learn about different professions and industries, and interact with alumni while expanding their professional networks and contacts. Typical Employer Site Visit’s last around 1-2 hours and consist of an employer presentation and information session, panel of employees, company tour, and time to network with professionals.

A significant amount of planning and logistics go into making the employer visits work, and CAPD is grateful for the collaboration from our on-campus and employer partner. For more information, please contact Mitch Moise at

Past employer site visits

Accenture, Procter & Gamble, Facebook, Johnson & Johnson, Five Rings Capital, REX – Real Estate Exchange, Optimus Ride, Autonodyne, PathAI, Weiss Asset Management, Cogo Labs, Eli Lilly, Oracle, Mathworks, Wayfair, Biogen, among others.

See this news article from January 2020 site visits.