The banner reads, "Connect with MIT talent and create opportunities" next to a photo of a group of smiling people working.
Offer an industry job shadow

Industry job shadows help MIT students explore their career options

Industry job shadows are in-person opportunities for MIT first years and sophomores to observe the day-to-day activities and responsibilities of a professional in a field of interest. Shadowing experiences can be hands-on, where students can engage with professionals, observe their tasks, and even participate in certain activities, providing a tangible learning experience.

  • Time commitment: In-person during January break or spring semester, for either a ½ or full day experience. The date and length of job shadows will be determined by the host and student.
  • Student participants: MIT undergraduate first years and sophomores
  • Location: Within the greater Boston area

The following activities are suggestions but not required. 

  • Students observe one or two meetings with a host 
  • Enjoy lunch with host, fellow MIT alumni, or other employees  
  • Conduct informational interviews with other members of the host’s team 
  • Review current trends in the profession 
  • Observing presentations or meetings 
  • Complete an office tour 
  • Students complete a short activity or task which helps them get an understanding of the work available. This could include: 
    • Reviewing a current or past case example
    • Review and discuss a product or service that is in development
    • Ethical question that commonly comes up in your work
    • Present a particular problem-solving framework and ask how they would apply it to a particular problem 
    • Share a brief overview of a typical problem you usually work on, provide certain guiding questions to help students to come to a conclusion on their own
  • End-of-day debrief where students reflect on their experience and receive feedback on a project they worked on 
  • Offer resume or portfolio review if applicable to the field or industry

Complete this brief interest form and a CAPD staff member will follow up to explore whether the experience will be a good fit.

If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact Tavi Sookhoo, Assistant Director of Career Prototypes, at

More information and frequently asked questions

By hosting a student, you’ll create a meaningful opportunity for curious and motivated students to connect what they’re learning in the classroom to the world of work.

Students answer a few short answer questions and submit their resume. CAPD then matches students with a host and makes the initial connection. The student and host will work together to identify a mutually convenient time between January and May for the job shadowing experience.

Yes! CAPD suggest hosting no more than five students at once. The small group environment provides an opportunity for students to get to know their host.