Why is this topic important? After college graduation, the playing fields for men and women should be even. However, whenwomenare not paid the same pay for the same work, they start off behind and continue to lose income as well as opportunities for advancementthroughouttheir career.
Watch this mock negotiation to effectively get a higher salary in your interview process. Stephen asks Zaheer (Levels.fyi co-founder) to navigate three negotiation scenarios that are common to your recruiting process including: compensation expectations, exploding offers, and negotiating the offer. …
This Equal Pay Day, the data shows the wage gap closed by 1 cent. On the surface, this looks like progress. Yet these numbers are not telling the whole story.
Equal Pay Day falls on March …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
Explore statistics related to the wage gap from the US Census Bureau.
The 2022 Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, March 15. According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, “This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
A 2021 women’s leadership study from LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Co. found that American women held less than 41% of corporate management positions, and women continue to fight underrepresentation when it comes to board positions and CEO …
By Deborah Liverman
Deborah LivermanExecutive Director, Career Advising & Professional Development