Why is this topic important? After college graduation, the playing fields for men and women should be even. However, whenwomenare not paid the same pay for the same work, they start off behind and continue to lose income as well as opportunities for advancementthroughouttheir career.
You can review this list of MIT Fall Career Fair 2023 employers who shared the pay equity efforts conducted at their company. Some companies have multiple efforts listed, so be sure to click on the “equal pay efforts being conducted” column.
The Boston Women’s Workforce Council in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement hosts talks throughout the year on pay equity. This talk from Feb 2023 features Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and co-founder of Ellevest, a financial company built for …
By Deborah Liverman
Deborah LivermanExecutive Director, Career Advising & Professional Development
One of the study’s key findings is the impact college career services can have in leveling the playing field for women in general and in particular, for women pursuing tech careers. Specifically, Undergraduate men get more job offers than undergraduate …
By Deborah Liverman
Deborah LivermanExecutive Director, Career Advising & Professional Development