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Katrien Janin always enjoyed doing hands-on research. “Put me in a basement of the museum and with loads and loads of boxes of remains or fossils and I am extremely happy,” says Janin, who completed her …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
I never would have gotten here without luck. I worry about all the bright, passionate, capable students from underresourced countries and less privileged backgrounds who don’t have the same family support and encouraging, open-minded mentors. I …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
Before starting his postdoc in neuroscience at MIT, Jon performed postdoctoral research on homeostatic feedback mechanisms at Brandeis. He then moved on to teach math and science classes at Jamaica Plain. Although …
In this blog post, Chris Blattman gives advice on how to write a compelling statement of purpose for PhD applicants in the social science and humanities.
Excerpt: I’ve read a lot of personal statements for PhD applications. I sat on admissions at …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development