Interested in pursuing a future in Academia & Education? Find resources, events, opportunities, and advice to confirm your interest and kickstart your career.
Build Your Research Community is a FREE, 5-module course (with a bonus 6th module!) that will guide you through the steps of identifying mentors and building and maintaining mentoring relationships. Scientists from a variety of backgrounds give concrete steps and …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
“Maybe I should been quicker to realize what really matters to me in a lab and find the right fit. But no matter how unconventional my postdoc experience might look on paper, …
By Simona Rosu
Simona RosuSenior Assistant Director, Postdoctoral Career and Professional Development
Neurotechx has job and internship postings at the intersection of neuroscience and computer science. This resource offers opportunities in academia and industry.
Mentorship is essential in developing science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) professionals. It is a set of skills that can and should be learned, practiced, and improved upon with self-reflection and feedback. If you are a mentor or mentee …
By Amanda Cornwall
Amanda CornwallGraduate Student Professional Development
Based on workshops co-sponsored by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and HHMI, this book is a collection of practical advice and experiences from seasoned biomedical investigators and includes chapters on laboratory leadership, getting funded, project management, and teaching and course design.