Green Building Career Map

The Green Buildings Career Map is a highly interactive tool that explores an industry exploding with job opportunities across four major sectors of the green buildings and energy efficiency industry, charting possible progression between those occupations, and identifying the sorts of credentials necessary to do them well.

This engaging map is designed for a broad audience including educators, career-advisors, job seekers, employers, policymakers, and workforce professionals. It demonstrates the breadth of the green buildings and energy efficiency industry, some of its critical occupations, and the multitude of advancement routes (over 300!) between jobs and sectors. The map also includes a section on “New-Collar” jobs within the industry—jobs that don’t require a traditional four-year degree, but rather rely on gaining skills through on-the-job training, high school technical education, on-the-job apprenticeships, vocational schools, technical certification programs, community colleges, the military, and internships. These 55 jobs have a mission to design, build, and operate high-quality, healthier, and more energy efficient homes and commercial and industrial buildings. We call them Green Buildings!

*This tool was not designed as a jobs bank. The map is not tied to any specific employers, and in no way guarantees a career progression. 

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