Representatives from the following organizations and industries are eager to connect with you through coffee chats and resume reviews before and after the fall career fair. Schedule your coffee chats and resume reviews by applying on Handshake. Time slots are …
Want to support MIT students, postdocs, employers, and alumni while you get hands-on experience for your career? Apply to CAPD’s student roles! Each of these opportunities lets you grow your skills in a specific focus area — from event planning to …
Bain and Company is excited to announce the application launch of two programs for first and second year undergraduate students!
Consulting Kickstart is an exclusive webinar series designed to provide Black, Hispanic/Latin American and Indigenous freshman/first year students a …
As a first-year student, you may be overwhelmed with transitioning your high school resume into one that is ready to secure all sorts of great experiences at MIT.
This guide will help provide the basics, and as you have specific …