Find a job or internship

Wondering how to find an opportunity?

These steps can get you started and help you organize your search.

Featured Resources


Choosing between job offers (worksheet)

Receiving two or more job offers can be both an exciting and stressful time. Whether you are waiting to hear …

Handshake 101: What it is & how to use it

CAPD is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive environment for everyone we serve. If you need any disability-related accommodations to …

📸 Elevate Your Professional Image with Our Photo Booth! 📸

Your professional journey starts with a strong impression, and we’re here to …

In addition to Handshake, you can use the websites below to find jobs and internships to support the veteran community. …

In addition to Handshake, you can use the websites below to find jobs and internships related to arts, communications, and …