The MIT Grad Blog

About the Grad Blog

We, the Graduate Students of MIT, welcome you to our Blog. This is where we tell our stories. We pledge to be unadulterated and unabashed in this pursuit.

This Blog is our playground, our stage, our field of dreams. It is the collective diary of the MIT graduate cohort. We’ll write of our experiences — navigating the MIT underbelly, braving our first Boston winter (and second and third and fourth), taking the impossible machine learning class, discovering the best sushi this side of the river, suffering through the MIT getfit Challenge, adventuring abroad, meeting crazy roommates, labmates, and best friends. We’ll write of our milestones — choosing our advisors, hiring undergraduates, proposing our theses. All the while, we’ll tell of how we’ve learned, evolved, failed, triumphed, been praised, been criticized, and been inspired. We hope you enjoy.

By Amanda Cornwall
Amanda Cornwall Associate Director, Graduate Student Professional Development