Graduate Students of Color Mentoring Circles

About the program: The Graduate Students of Color mentoring circles is an initiative created by Career Advising and Professional Development (CAPD) and the Office of Graduate Education (OGE). The Mentoring Circles connect current graduate students with alumni who provide culturally relevant perspectives on pathways to academic and industry careers.  The program was developed in response to the Black Graduate Student Association’s advocacy for tailored resources to help underrepresented graduate students compete successfully in academic and professional job markets.

Program format: Through this month-long program, students will virtually connect with graduate alumni and engage in weekly topical conversations focused on navigating work environments as people of color. In this mentoring circle format, students will have access and receive input from mentors in various career paths and hear about their peers’ experiences. The mentoring circles meet online via zoom for three 1- hour group sessions. After the group sessions, in the fourth week, students will have the opportunity to have 15 minute individual conversations with mentors.

Dates & time commitment: Fall 2024: Late October through November ; Spring 2025: April

Time commitment: 3.5 hours

Mentor information: Mentors represent the departments of Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and from the Sloan School of Management.  

Questions? Contact Elsie Otero

Tuesday Circle

Dates: TBD
Times: TBD

Mentor expertise:

Wednesday Circle

Dates: TBD
Times: TBD

Mentor expertise:

Thursday Circle

Dates: TBD
Times: TBD

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