Each section of this module is designed to offer you information about faculty job search timelines, networks, documents and statements. Use this guide to help you gather the information you need, reflect on your goals, begin drafting your documents, refine existing application materials, and locate helpful resources.
This course is intended to meet you where you are, as a conversation partner, in the strategic and creative process of drafting your faculty application materials. There is a lot of materials here, so don’t try to take it in all at once. Of course, we recommend reading every section fully, but feel free to skip around if some sections are more pertinent to your needs than others.
We’re excited to accompany you as you begin your faculty job search!
Use your Kerberos ID to sign-in and review the faculty job search guide.
Looking for more specialized career support for PhDs and postdocs?
Check out our application materials for PhDs and postdocs: examples and how-to guides to find our PhD Career Document Library and our PhD Resumes for Industry modules! These resources are designed for MIT PhDs and postdocs to serve as guides through the process of career document preparation. Whether you’re converting your CV into a resume for an industry role, refining your CV for an academic job search, or creating other documents, you’ll find examples, how-to guides, and strategies for success.
This is a new course module, so we hope that you’ll help make it as useful as it can be with your generous feedback. Please email Alexis Boyer (aboyer@mit.edu) with any suggestions or questions.