IAP Micro-internships are in Handshake – Apply now!

Looking for a short-term project or internship over IAP? Consider a micro-internship! Build skills, connect with employers and explore a career path. Check out these micro-internships:   

There are more projects in Handshake and it’s really easy to search for them.  Simply log into Handshake, select Jobs -> All Filters -> and select “micro-internships” under the filter Labeled by your school or you can select Jobs and type the keyword “micro-intern” in the search box.    

Application timelines vary, so apply as soon as possible. CAPD can help you through the micro-internship application process. Schedule an appointment for help updating your resume, writing a cover letter or preparing for an interview.  

Learn more about micro-internships. You can also e-mail Tavi- tsookhoo@mit.edu with your questions. 

By Tavi Sookhoo
Tavi Sookhoo Assistant Director, Career Prototypes