MIT Media Lab | Monday, March 7, 2022 from 5:30 – 8:30 EST
The MIT Analytics Career Fair is an event dedicated to exposing the MIT community to graduate opportunities in data science and business analytics. Each year companies from all industries and sizes come to the MIT Media Lab to showcase their analytics excellence and recruit analytics talent.
We are thrilled to invite companies and students back to campus for an in-person event. The event is organized and hosted by the MIT Sloan Master of Business Analytics (MBAn) program and run by the MBAn Class of 2022 students.
This unique career fair aims to bring together diverse disciplines from MIT graduate student body with some of the most cutting-edge data science and business analytics companies in the world
Whether you are searching for summer internships, full-time positions, or looking to build your professional network, this is the event for you.
This event is FREE for all MIT Students and alumni. Food will be provided.
Your MIT ID and a valid COVIDPass are required to enter.
Please RSVP on SloanGroups
Companies attending this year include:
- Analysis Group
- Benefits Science Technology
- Best Buy
- BlackRock
- Comcast
- End-to-End Analytics, a part of Accenture
- General Motors
- Interpretable AI
- Johnson & Johnson
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- Macy’s
- McKinsey & Company
- MFS Investments Management
- Novo Nordisk
- Optum – United Health
- Palantir
- Pfizer
- Quantum Black
- Ripple
- Sage Analysis Group Inc.
- Schlumberger
- Takeda
- The Walt Disney Company
- Wayfair
and more!